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 1/43 diorama accessories (wrenches, screwdrivers)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
abelhobby Posted - 02/15/2011 : 16:53:19
Hello Guys,

I know I touch this subject a couple of months ago, havent had any luck yet, so anyone knows were I can get 1/43 tools like wrenches, screwdrivers,tool cart, etc... is for a diorama, already try to contact HighTechmodell they never answer, or can I make my own? any sugestion will help,

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bluetribal Posted - 04/09/2011 : 13:40:03
Hello abelhobby.
Sorry for my late answering.
I agree with you: the more you do diorama the more you want to increase the level of quality. I look at frederic suber's models to be inspired.
I hope to be as good as he is but in my dreams I suppose.

viva ferrari
abelhobby Posted - 04/04/2011 : 14:07:55
Hello bluetribal,

I agree with you it takes a long time to get everything together, the base, the figure, the car, accessories, etc.. in the end is very rewarding when the diorama is finish, the bad thing is you whant to do more and take it to the next level.

abelhobby Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:26:19
Hello bluetribal, your diorama are great thanks for sharing.

bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:25:41
the diorama is entirely to accomplish by my care. it is true that them red foundation l 'eau its splendid, but my diorama has more of value has my eyes when I accomplish it of the beginning has the end by my care.

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:17:40

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:15:43

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:14:16

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:12:55

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:11:14

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:08:14

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:05:48

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:03:49

viva ferrari
bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 13:01:38

viva ferrari
abelhobby Posted - 04/04/2011 : 12:37:14
L'earouge has a very nice and large selection of diorama bases, the details are superb (done by hand) for the price, they carrie some figure, I alway use them on my dioramas, some advice when ordering try to get as many bases as you can in one order because some are heavy(Plaster) the lighter ones are mdf, so you will pay shipping for the heaviest and you can included the lighter ones in the same pagkages if it fits.

bluetribal Posted - 04/04/2011 : 12:19:05
bonjour jean .

oui le f40 et est une mr merci pour la gentil remarque,alors que c'est mes plus vieilles réalisations. je vais mettre ma dernières réalisation. as tu commander le livre p4 a fred?

good morning jeans.

yes f40 and a mr thank you for is nice remark, while c 'est my oldest achievements. I am going to put realization my last. hushed up whizz to order the pound p4 has fred?

viva ferrari

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