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T O P I C R E V I E W |
Magnus JE |
Posted - 05/10/2012 : 22:13:06 Hi!
First of all I must say that I´m very impressed with your work! Really amazing.
What brand do you use for clear coat under and over decals? The stuff for 1/1 cars is too strong? The Tamiya TS-13 Clear has some serious problems with decals, have I learned through different websites?
So what am I too use without damaging the decals?
The undercoat will be Tamiya X- colours sprayed with an airbrush.
Please excuse my bad english.
Best regards// Magnus, Sweden |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
PeterW |
Posted - 05/11/2012 : 07:52:13 I use a two part urethane [a Dupont product] and thin it about 50/50. I scratch coat and 2 wet coats and then wet sand/polish [a must to keep it level and true]. Over in Europe it is Glasurit...must use caution when using the product. A respirator is required and latex gloves.
A very safe alternative is Future floor finish. I haven't used it on my models and never will but many use it with good results. They spray it strait from the bottle through an airbrush and also polish it when cured.