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 1/43 scale Handbuilt Models
 Jacques Brauer Ferrari 375MM 0472 AM 1954

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ferrarinut Posted - 05/25/2012 : 10:17:40
Jacques is also working on a one-off high detail version of the 1954 Ferrari 375MM s/n 0472AM originally owned by Alfred Ducato in Duco metallic blue with black roof and unique bumpers. This one can also be pre-ordered as a curbside. More photos to come. If anyone has photos of the real car showing the interior, please send to me or post in this thread. The interior is "natural" but curious to see a good photo for reference.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ferrarinut Posted - 06/10/2012 : 09:58:51
The final result! This one is sold to one of our forum members.
phil30 Posted - 06/05/2012 : 20:06:05
Mike, keep the photos coming, I am so looking forward to it.
Ferrarinut Posted - 06/04/2012 : 09:30:22
Ferrarinut Posted - 06/02/2012 : 20:49:16
Ferrarinut Posted - 05/30/2012 : 11:22:58
Scratch built wire wheels.

Ferrarinut Posted - 05/29/2012 : 21:14:39
Yes, also the 250 California NART #20.
phil30 Posted - 05/29/2012 : 17:48:26
Is this scratch built as well?
Ferrarinut Posted - 05/29/2012 : 09:21:07

Ferrarinut Posted - 05/27/2012 : 08:39:19

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