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 FrontiArt models, very nice. In the top 5 low vol?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Telinoz Posted - 06/13/2012 : 01:17:32
Started my 1/43 collection recently, searching this forum I could not find much on FrontiArt models but after receiving a few in the post this week I must say they are very good.
They are the fully imitated Aventador in Matt Black and the Sesto Elemento.
Other then Facebook, I don't have the photos online anywhere to post a link to show the photos direct on this forum. Easy to Google though!

I ordered a 250 GTO from Make Up models from Mike on eBay, looking forward to that model as it's one of the more respected low voloume hand build model makers.
I can then compare direct with FrontiArt models to see how close they are.

I also have some Looksmart models on the way, so that will be another comparison.
BBR and MR models I'm looking at as well, but don't own any yet.

Has anybody else here bought any FrontiArt models, if so do you consider them to be in the top 5 of the low volume hand built model makers?

If not, who are the top 5 or 10 low volume model makers out there?
I'm sure a lot of people have been collecting more then my 2 week history!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First) Posted - 06/13/2012 : 03:00:39

I don't know much about them myself, but I was admiring their open/close Porsche 997 GT3 RS models a while ago... Would very much like to see one in person.

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