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 BBR F40 Barchetta / Beurlys

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Dave G Posted - 01/16/2014 : 11:44:30
I was considering buying the F40 Barchetta from BBR, but when I took a closer look, comparing the model to the real thing, I saw quite some errors. Some mistakes are not always a big deal, but somebody not paying attention at BBR I guess...

BBR's F40 isn't great when it comes to shape, Make Ups are far better, but the front lights just don't look right to me. On the real car, no Ferrari emblems are to be found, BBR puts them there...
This kind of puts me off buying it, but considering I (try to) collect plain red F40's it is quite an interesting model. Am I right to have doubts or aren't these issues worth worrying about?

Best regards, Dave
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Dave G Posted - 01/17/2014 : 08:00:32
Hi Cloud 9! Thanks for sharing those images!
I also like the black wheels. Black wheels were fitted to it, if you google the car, however I believe they were 6-spokes, and I only see the black wheels combined with the striped car. Which does not have headlights at all... I guess BBR had them laying about :)

The images you posted do show a very nice level of detail. I like the yellow version very much, especially combined with the black wheels, however I really like the multi-spoke wheels on the red version, and all my F40's are plain red. Since not one of the BBR versions is 100% correct I might as well go for the fantasy color!
christian Posted - 01/16/2014 : 13:54:20

I own a black 250 GT speciale BBR styling models 12

the model is oversized , looks more 1:41 than 1:43
front is wrong , rear is wrong , color is wrong ,
I love this model , would never sell it

for the F 50 , there will be no better one the next ten years

Dave G Posted - 01/16/2014 : 13:43:29
I checked the MU F50 and indeed the body is slightly out of proportion. Too bad, actually was looking out for a proper priced F50 GT. Still, I think I prefer the Make Up to the BBR I think, because of the higher level of detail. The MU's mesh on the rear looks so much better than the BBR's closed version, engine has much more detail... But bodyshape is better with the BBR!
I generally favor Make Up, mostly because I'm pretty much in love with their F40s!
Cloud 9 Posted - 01/16/2014 : 13:38:12
Hi Dave!

I picked up the yellow version last year....

Nicely done by BBR, as expected.
Although it does have the mistakes that was pointed out, I feel you should pick one up...

You only live once....:)

Mine's has an even bigger mistake with black wheels, but I don't mind one bit because I love black wheels anyways.

christian Posted - 01/16/2014 : 13:00:05
yes , I forgot that
if the emblem is clear coated you will destroy it

the F 50 nose is way to long …..

BBR and Make up are the two top modelers today
for me better than everybody else
Dave G Posted - 01/16/2014 : 12:52:51
You're right Christian, the original car is yellow. I just liked the car in red or yellow with stripes.
So you think the emblems are removable? I expected them to be covered with clear coat?
And about the MU F50; is it really that bad? Thought it was pretty good? Surely it beats the BBR? I just received a BBR F50 kit and thought it needs quite some extra detailing to stand out, especially the engine. Unfortunately the window frame was broken when I opened the package, so it will be a pain anyway...
christian Posted - 01/16/2014 : 12:40:48
you are right
there is more than one mistake
you can easy remove the Ferrari sign

but this BBR F40 is still much better than the Make up F50
and I think this car never was red

born as a real F 40 LM sn 79890
I ( Ferrari ) would not accept my sign on a cut car like this


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