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Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998. Brand new, in stock!

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ferrariguy Posted - 01/25/2014 : 09:13:05
Found this on CNN. Nice 1:1 collection. Does anyone know who he is?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Models123 Posted - 01/27/2014 : 07:40:45
Dave, if you send me a private e-mail I would be happy to give you a detailed evaluation concerning your inquiry.

Models123 Posted - 01/27/2014 : 07:22:14
Hans... LOL. Ha... I need to find more customers like him!

And yes, as long as he is happy with what he has that is all that really matters.

dave w Posted - 01/26/2014 : 10:52:07
Not to hijack this thread, but how do Amalgam models stack up to the MakeUp,BBR, CMC, etc. models , besides being much larger? They look incredibly realist in the photos I have seen, but I don't think I have seen one in person. The new 1/12 LaFerrari is tempting...
moriaan Posted - 01/26/2014 : 00:12:20
Amalgam is happy with this client!

PeterW Posted - 01/25/2014 : 20:01:14
I could be wrong but does a real car even have 16,000 parts ????!!!.

What an absurd thing to say...and the collector runs a company!
moriaan Posted - 01/25/2014 : 13:21:27
The man is happy with his garage and his models, great for him.
But he thinks the FXX Evoluzione is the ultimate Ferrari!
If he only knew...

Modelwise its the same story, he has probably never heard of a certain mr. Buck ;-)

Models123 Posted - 01/25/2014 : 12:51:46
I never heard of him before, and there's obviously a lot more to the world of model collecting than he knows. And.... where on earth did he get that ridiculous 16,000 piece parts count?!! Those are all the Amalgam models made in China. Yes, a lot of parts, but also a lot of corners cut in production, and nowhere near that number of parts in any of their models. I guess that whoever sold them to him was a really good salesman!

christian Posted - 01/25/2014 : 09:38:40
I think he is the boss here

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