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 Model of Porsche 914-6

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
daniel Posted - 02/14/2014 : 17:02:22
Good Evening,

I was wondering if there is a good model of the 914-6 in racing trim available. I have a few kits but these seem to be very old and are of very crude quality. Sorry don't know the manufacturer at the moment.
If there is nothing available I guess I will go for a 3D printed model


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterW Posted - 02/27/2014 : 20:14:01
Looks like you all have it figured out...I'll take a nap.
daniel Posted - 02/27/2014 : 13:54:30
WOW, thanks for all your effort.Yes I like that batch. This will look great in brass PE.
F1tommy Posted - 02/27/2014 : 12:10:35
Here is the last one made, now owned by a guy in the area. Notice the VW logo:)

914joe Posted - 02/27/2014 : 10:23:53
I think you can do a convincing job with flat p/e. Here's my quick and sloppy idea... Let me know if it makes sense:)

think small
daniel Posted - 02/27/2014 : 09:00:20

That is the difficult part it runs down in a curved way. If that thing flat, no problem with PE but it has a very visible thikness and you can't bend PE in two directions...
PeterW Posted - 02/27/2014 : 08:45:29
Polishing white metal is sort of old school, which is fine but it has to be done just right. I see no problem with pe myself.
daniel Posted - 02/27/2014 : 08:14:39
Originally posted by 914joe

I'd love some 914 kits with p/e window and targa bar trim. I have extra Pit and Mini Racing bodies if you'd like for a size reference. Keep us posted.

think small

This is one part that really gives me headaches. Windowtrim in PE is no big deal but I fear you can't fold PE to match the Targabar, especially the rear part on the left and right that circular shape. I was thinking to cast the body and roof in two parts and make the roof and targa white metal so you could polish it to a glossy finish mask the metal and paint the black...could work ?!?
PeterW Posted - 02/27/2014 : 07:45:27
Originally posted by daniel

I never said I would copy something :-) I was just asking because it would be nonsense to spend a lot of time and money into something that is already available. But it looks as I now know all available 914's now and I don't think that they are good. My one will be great ;-)
Well at least if things work out the way I want to...

Well I sure hope so...the Porsche collectors need a DECENT 914/6

The PIT kits are well...PITthetic, as are the Mini Racing versions.
914joe Posted - 02/26/2014 : 20:42:09
I'd love some 914 kits with p/e window and targa bar trim. I have extra Pit and Mini Racing bodies if you'd like for a size reference. Keep us posted.

think small
daniel Posted - 02/24/2014 : 16:22:55
I never said I would copy something :-) I was just asking because it would be nonsense to spend a lot of time and money into something that is already available. But it looks as I now know all available 914's now and I don't think that they are good. My one will be great ;-)
Well at least if things work out the way I want to...
PeterW Posted - 02/17/2014 : 16:45:26
Originally posted by daniel

When I'm only make small run for myself or ather fellow modelers I will use my own etching machine if I make a larger amount I will use a service. Same for turned parts like rims. Windows will be vacuformed. I will make a printed form to use as a negative.

Why would you copy another model? If you have 3D skills I would think you would obtain a blue print of the real car and do it right...yes?
Patbad Posted - 02/17/2014 : 00:11:30
Daniel, I think that FPM had a 914 some years ago in various liveries and there was also a Miniracing one some years ago, so may be it is possible to get one.
daniel Posted - 02/16/2014 : 13:25:56
When I'm only make small run for myself or ather fellow modelers I will use my own etching machine if I make a larger amount I will use a service. Same for turned parts like rims. Windows will be vacuformed. I will make a printed form to use as a negative.
914joe Posted - 02/16/2014 : 05:05:20
Yup... Pit 914's have crappy shaped resin bodies. They do make some great decals and photoetch. Mini Racing 914 has good resin castings and captures the shape of the 914 well but is a tick small IMO(makes a 356 look big:).

Some of the 3d printings I've seen latley are amazing. I followed a build on another board where a fella made a 20's racer in 1/43 and even printed the wire wheels successfully. But what will you do about the parts that can't be printed like windows and photoetch?

think small
daniel Posted - 02/15/2014 : 14:16:24
Hello Christian,

since I'm a 3D modeler ( the models aren't a big problem.
About the printers please don't buy one of these 1.000€ printers they are completely useless especially in smaller scales. The best printer I've seen so far is close to 50.000€. I won't buy it myself but have the parts printed on that machine but that is also around 500-1.000€ depending on parts count BUT well you know I know him, he knows me and blablabla I guess we will work out a good deal ;-)
And the big danger is that the first print doesn'T comes out the way I wanted.

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