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 1/43 scale Handbuilt Models
 Ferrari 312 F1 French GP 1968

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rossocorsa Posted - 04/23/2014 : 11:52:28
Hi everybody, this WIP is from one of the most beautiful Ferrari F1 ever, in my opinion. The 312 from 1968, the version that won the French GP with Jacky Ickx at the wheel.
The kit is Tameo, 1/43, and is very detailed.
I hope you enjoy it and if someone is interested on him please contact Mike.



white base coat on the nose cone...

and the body

front suspension assembly,


I worked on the photoetched parts with a file and sand-paper to make them more realistic




engine, gearbox and rear suspension





this wheels are amazing


13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rossocorsa Posted - 05/20/2014 : 03:55:12
Thank you for all your comments, these are the final pictures (with wheels and wing not fixed).

Thank you, Ricardo

ferrariscale Posted - 05/02/2014 : 20:45:57
Amazing work! Hope to own one of these one day.

The detail is truly a work of art.

rossocorsa Posted - 05/01/2014 : 14:25:57
Thank you Mike,

Now some pictures from the final assembling.

The front suspension, brakes and oil tank,

fitting the nose cone, with the small revit to fix,

putting decals and polish them

some parts for the rear suspension and mirrors

exhaust pipes and support from wing

the wing is not been fixed, usually I keep the wheels and the wings off for shipping

now, there only miss put the model on the display base. I hope you liked, thank you.

Ferrarinut Posted - 04/27/2014 : 11:35:27
This one is now sold, I am not surprised! Well done Ricardo. Looking forward to seeing the final presentation. Mike
Ferrarinut Posted - 04/25/2014 : 07:52:31
This beautiful model is still available and price is very reasonable considering the hours in this one. Send me an email if you are interested.
JAG Posted - 04/24/2014 : 17:32:37
rossocorsa Posted - 04/24/2014 : 07:22:27
Hi Juan, how are you? Long time no see.

Regards, Ricardo
dark star Posted - 04/24/2014 : 04:51:27
Well done,Ricardo.

rossocorsa Posted - 04/24/2014 : 04:05:33
Thank you Wolfgang.
F1-Wolfgang Posted - 04/23/2014 : 14:50:30
Excellent work done on that model!
rossocorsa Posted - 04/23/2014 : 13:52:12
Thank you Eric.
ewestra Posted - 04/23/2014 : 12:38:29
Absolute brilliant job Ricardo.

rossocorsa Posted - 04/23/2014 : 12:11:24







some spaghetti...



the holes were redone by hand with a twist drill


body painted in rossocorsa


engine preassembled


and the other pieces painted and prepared for the final assembling


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