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T O P I C R E V I E W |
Margaritis |
Posted - 04/28/2014 : 07:27:49 Hello everyone,
I wanted to share with you a holy grail that was on my list for at least 2 years. The Ferrari FX. As a concept car collector and a huge fan of Sultan of Brunei's cars, I had to get this gem as soon as possible. You see, I found it in a site which is a shop in Portugal, and I ordered it right away. The problem is that the kit has many details missing. For example,the engine cover. It is one of the most special things around the car,and it is also the only place that has the "FX" logo on the car. The seats don't look the same like the real car. The interior has some errors too. One of the best parts, the Williams F1 gearbox, has problems too. The small stick lever is missing,and there is no logo,no switches like the real car (picture at the end of the post.Also, the shifters behind the steering wheel are missing,and the steering wheel has nothing to do with the one of the real car.Also the calipers are not in the kit. Anyway, I have to be satisfied because it is the only company that produced that kit. But I will fix these problems,since I want to have something unique. Anyone has this model? I am sure that somebody does.