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drewbag Posted - 05/21/2014 : 04:34:48
Hello everyone.
There are some fantastic models being built on this site.
I have only built one 1/43 scale model before and really enjoyed it.
I am a fan of ferrari and would like to add a couple to my collection.
However I am new to this scale of modeling and was wondering which brand some of the members on here would recommend I try.
I would like to build a ferrari 250 as it is my favorite ferrari.

If anybody knows of a good website where I can have a look at some kits available I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
914joe Posted - 06/13/2014 : 06:44:49
I agree that a John Day kit is a good first kit. I'd suggest to start by fitting the kit parts and working on a good paint job and not go overboard on extra detailing. Making window surrounds is tricky and I'd would just paint with a brush... AMR's don't have separate window trim and you see plenty of fine builds with that kit. Try not to go for ultimate detail and instead try for a accurate impression.

think small
drewbag Posted - 06/13/2014 : 06:09:48
Thank you Moriaan,
I definitely agree with what you said. Now that I understand that the John Day kit I purchased is quite old I can see the quality with it.
I think that you are right with saying that with today's technology, modelers are quite spoiled with very high quality parts that are quite accurate and that are well enough engineered that they will fit together with minimal work.

I will be using this John Day kit to practice with. And I would also like to do as good of a job as I am capable of to achieve what I consider to be a good representation.
drewbag Posted - 06/13/2014 : 03:59:24
thanks for the replies,

i'm glad i have not been ripped off :-)
however i am not happy with the quality of the John Day kit. But at least i have something to work with now :-)

I had a look at the Le Phoenix, AMR and Esprit43 kits. Wow they are expensive!! I do appreciate the detail provided in the kit, but unfortunately a bit out of my price range.

I have ordered an after market set to suit FERRARI 250 GTO '62/64 REMEMBER TK02 from ebay, so that i can modify the John Day kit as best as i can. I plan to remove all of the molded in detail and replace it with either machined parts, photo etch or the stick on lenses. I am stuck with how to modify the original kit to add the chrome windscreen surrounds. If anybody has any ideas i would greatly appreciate the help.

Thanks for your time,

moriaan Posted - 06/13/2014 : 03:59:13
Come on guys!

You can't compare a John Day kit with an amr of Le phoenix!

Thats a bit disrespectfull....

John Day was the pioneer of whitemetal kits and the one of the very first!

In its day it was a very good modell, but we are used to much better models nowadays.

as a starter I would not recommend AMR or Esprit, those are quite expensive try-outs.

For paint and exercise John Day is not that bad of a choice, if you can make this one look good, you can move on to better kits.

On this forum it looks easy to build a modell, but thats not how it actually goes, the models you see here are better than most of us will ever build!

cico Posted - 06/13/2014 : 00:31:02
John Day? Oh my God.....
If you like white metal for the 250GTO you have no choise: AMR, Le Phoenix or Esprit43. Posted - 06/12/2014 : 17:52:14
You have not been ripped off :o)

John Day kits are quite old now and are considered to be very crude by today's standards. If you were to compare it with an Esprit43 kit, you would see what we mean; 15-20 years worth of technological advances in model making sometimes makes us forget how good most kits really are these days. John Day was actually quite a pioneer at the time.

To post pictures here is quite easy - simply upload your pictures to somewhere like Photobucket, then copy & paste the code they provide here, with 'image' tags around the code.
When you are posting, there is an image button that will provide the correct tags:
Hope that makes sense...

The only substitute for cubic inches is more cubic inches!
Max Balchowsky 1:43
drewbag Posted - 06/12/2014 : 14:32:34
Hello everyone,
I was wondering what people think of the John Day white metal kits?
I purchased one of the 250GTO Ferrari kits from eBay which arrived yesterday.
I was looking forward to opening the kit as soon as it arrived, however I am really disappointed in the quality. There are also no instructions, decals, or any other details included in the kit. Looking at the bodywork there are some molded in details that get lost (door handles, bonnet latches and scoop, fuel filler flap) there are also no headlight details and the lenses are molded onto the body...?!!
I was wondering if perhaps I got a cheap rip off kit...?

How do I post pictures?

Thanks for your time.
zolomod Posted - 05/23/2014 : 09:30:12
I think you must to begin from white metal kit, while working with it much easier to correct mistakes. You can buy on e-bay Esprit or AMR kit. You can find prepainted kit also (look BBR kit especially)
drewbag Posted - 05/22/2014 : 05:58:50
Thank you for your reply.
I have been looking on eBay but was unsure of the different manufacturers.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Ferrarinut Posted - 05/21/2014 : 07:35:41
You can find a huge selection of kits on ebay, just enter search criteria such as 1/43 Starter Kit, 1/43 Provence Moulage Kit, 1/43 BBR Kit.

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