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T O P I C    R E V I E W
63 wheels Posted - 05/19/2010 : 18:01:32
How do you get pictures from computer to photobucket?
Thanks Ron
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
63 wheels Posted - 05/29/2010 : 07:53:14
Originally posted by ioannis

Ron, you have a wanderfull model.
It's a treasure!


Thanks John, Ron
Ferrarinut Posted - 05/21/2010 : 07:23:12
Ron's Barnett/Bosica 156/85 is under the Personal Collections thread.
ioannis Posted - 05/21/2010 : 05:29:22
Ron, you have a wanderfull model.
It's a treasure!

Ferrarinut Posted - 05/20/2010 : 15:19:00
Ron, your pictures are now posted under the "Personal Collections" thread. Mike
63 wheels Posted - 05/20/2010 : 09:36:13
Thank you for your help! Ron
63 wheels Posted - 05/20/2010 : 09:34:36
Originally posted by audifan

After you sign up for photobucket,and every time after you sign in,there is a part of the "home page" that will ask if you want to upload photos to them.
You use the browse button to find the folder on your computer where you keep the photos you want to upload,(I keep a folder on the desktop that I copy photos from other folders for uploading-easy to keep track of.)select the photos and tell them to upload.

After you upload your photos,you are able to split them up into different albums,and modify the photos if necessary,and download them to yourself,or to forums like this can also refer others to view your photos in your albums.

The site is pretty good at explaining everything.

audifan Posted - 05/19/2010 : 19:54:33
After you sign up for photobucket,and every time after you sign in,there is a part of the "home page" that will ask if you want to upload photos to them.
You use the browse button to find the folder on your computer where you keep the photos you want to upload,(I keep a folder on the desktop that I copy photos from other folders for uploading-easy to keep track of.)select the photos and tell them to upload.

After you upload your photos,you are able to split them up into different albums,and modify the photos if necessary,and download them to yourself,or to forums like this can also refer others to view your photos in your albums.

The site is pretty good at explaining everything.

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