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 1/43 scale Handbuilt Models
 Fred Suber handbuilt of a 2010 Ferrari F10.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stewil Posted - 02/03/2011 : 13:19:08
I recently purchased this great model from Mike. What grabbed me was the beautifully painted Alonso figure jumping from the car after rejoicing in his victory. Have never seen such an animated little person before.

The 2010 Ferrari F10 as depicted raced at the Bahrain Grand Prix, and was Fernando Alonso's 1st Ferrari Win – a Tameo model.

Cheers and Happy Collecting,
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ferrari4evr1 Posted - 02/05/2011 : 10:32:18
Beautiful model Steve! The attention to detail in the Alonso figure is amazing....

stewil Posted - 02/05/2011 : 10:21:39
Thank you all for your comments and kudos to the "good eyes" that noticed the tilt.
The model was damaged in shipment and I repaired it. Strangely, I did not notice the tilt when looking at the model but sure do now when looking at the photo. Will correct it soon.

As delivered, the heavy metal body separated from the floor as it eventually broke free of the glued bits. The screw felt tight but you can see the gap.

The problem screw was fixed by grinding down the tip and the body was then able to be tightly attached to the floor.

Cheers and Happy Collecting,
Performance Posted - 02/05/2011 : 09:32:24
Great job of Fred!

I am agree with Pat and Ferrari2000: the left mirror seems not perfect. The vertical plate seems not 100% vertical. Sorry for my words, but it is not to be missed on the pictures.

For the rest it is a wonderfull model.

Never drive faster than your guadrian angel!
patschum Posted - 02/05/2011 : 08:06:17
sorry to say it but i'm very surprised to see the state of the antenna, the left mirror and the connection between the rear wing and the engine cover.
Strange to see so many issues on such a exclusive model.

ioannis Posted - 02/05/2011 : 05:46:57
Awesome model Steve. Truly awesome.
Fred made his magic again!
Ferrari2006 Posted - 02/04/2011 : 22:44:19

what is whit the left mirrow? looks like Alonso had a crash....
250GTE Posted - 02/04/2011 : 17:09:29
Awesome built by Fred.

Love the Alonso 'karatekid' impression as well.

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