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 1/43 scale Handbuilt Models
 Ricardo Moura D-Type

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ferrarinut Posted - 04/19/2011 : 14:21:30
Ricardo Moura of Rosso Corsa Models in Portugal has been doing many one-off pieces for me since last year. I love his work, very much like AMR or Le Phoenix factory builds but with added scratch details and beautiful custom presentation. His builds are normally based on white metal kits. Ricardo always takes pictures of each model as he builds. He is just now in final assembly with a Le Phoenix Jaguar D-Type Ecurie Ecosse Le Mans winner. He also recently finished a 1/20 Lotus 49 based on the Hiro kit, I will post that link under the large scale models, it is due to arrive this week. Here is a link to the D-Type WIP. Upper left corner. Mike
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Trossi Posted - 09/27/2011 : 09:18:52
That sounds pretty cool...
Ferrarinut Posted - 09/27/2011 : 08:03:00
Regarding the 1:1 cars, I can tell you that driving the D-Type recreation was probably very similar to the original since this car was constructed with OEM Jaguar parts, the engine was from a 1956 saloon and had correct Webers, dry sump, live rear axle, correct Dunloop steel/alloy knockoff wheels, etc. Having said that, I have never driven a real D-Type but the feel, the sound and the smells sure felt authentic.
formulamike Posted - 09/26/2011 : 06:51:37
Great Pictures, great modelcar,
Trossi Posted - 09/26/2011 : 03:05:07
Different question: Does a recreation drive like a real old car or how is it different? I always wondered about that.
Trossi Posted - 04/26/2011 : 13:55:34
Originally posted by Ferrarinut

I thought about asking Ricardo to build it without roundels and mustache but decided it is better as the Le Mans winner.

Interesting thought. I also own the kit and have always thought that it would be some kind of sacrilege to built it not as the Le Mans winning car, but finally I have decided that I will built it without the Le Mans livery. The D-Type has such a beautiful shape which has to be looked at without moustaches and roundels. From a business point of view you have just done the right thing most collectors would also have done.
ioannis Posted - 04/26/2011 : 13:14:39
I remember that you owned once a D - Type.
Ferrarinut Posted - 04/26/2011 : 07:19:58
It was actually Ricardo's idea but a coincidence I once owned the recreation. I thought about asking Ricardo to build it without roundels and mustache but decided it is better as the Le Mans winner.
ioannis Posted - 04/26/2011 : 07:16:29
It is a trully special built.
A srectacular and awesome model.
Good idea Mike.
Ferrarinut Posted - 04/25/2011 : 17:59:18
This one is for sale but hard for me to let it go as I had the 1:1 recreation of this car by Bryan Wingfield. Ricardo captured it perfectly!

250GTE Posted - 04/25/2011 : 13:48:22
Great work! I have a Piranha 342 America s/n 0234 built by Ricardo. Very much recommended.

Are or were the models in the pictures for sale through Miniwerks?
rossocorsa Posted - 04/25/2011 : 11:46:13
Thank you Mike for your kind words.
I finished the Jaguar Type D here are some pictures.

Thanks, Ricardo
Ferrarinut Posted - 04/19/2011 : 14:22:38
The 1/20 Lotus is also on the first row.

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