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T O P I C    R E V I E W
abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 10:17:31
Hello guys,

I was wondering if someone can help me or share some tips on selling on ebay and gettin the funds faster, I am new on this, I already sold one model and the experience was and still is terrible, I can not get the funds untill certain criterias are meet.
The item is already receive and positive feedback was left by the buyer but Paypal toll me(I was 20 min. on the phone with them)that it doenst meet their criteria if the buyer got the item, that I should it included a tracking number on the Paypal account, I did on Ebay but becuase it was international shipping it doenst show on USPS as delivered, anyways it doenst make any sence, I think and I hope I dont heart anyone fellings by saying they are THIEFS, obviosly they are getty interest on my money, and not to mention the $30dlls on fees I have to pay them, now I have to wait untill November 6 to get my funds.

Sorry for the long post, I hope this doenst happend to someone in this forum.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moriaan Posted - 10/29/2011 : 10:38:59
not happening in the Netherlands yet..
I know its to prevend fraude, but now they are taking intrest on sellers money. If this goes through, rates should be reduced, something I doubt will happen.

At the moment the recession is hitting ebay..
Low prices, good for buyers, bad for sellers.
If seller/collectors are discouraged, you will see less being offered..

abelhobby Posted - 10/28/2011 : 17:45:11
Thanks Christian, it seems they are doing the same here, sorry to get back at this, I dont understand why the have to hold your money so much time, is not fair.

christian Posted - 10/28/2011 : 11:00:44

they are just testing here in Europe ( german speaking aera ) new rules
you did not read anything about this on eBay or paypal . It was in the newspapers .

for all NEW eBayers
paypal holds money back for 2 weeks for private sellers
IBAN / BIC payment goes to eBay and is hold for 2 weeks so seller gets money in 3 weeks

still a test but one day worldwide


abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 21:34:04
Thanks Peter, you are going to think I am crazy I did not find that link, is not on my homepage, maybe is an older version dont know, I really apreciate your help.
PeterW Posted - 10/27/2011 : 21:12:57
Go to the "help" link on the top of the home page and then click on the "contact us by phone or email" which is the last option on the bottom of the page. On the next page click on email us at the bottom of the page which is the last option.

Make sure you give them the transaction number, date and proof of delivery or the item number for the positive feedback.
abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 21:03:47
I was looking for the contac email link on ebay right now, on the 10 page open just gave up!! I was going in circles always the same questions leading you no were.
abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 20:53:02
I did try to email them, it seems I was going in circles everytime I try it open a window and then another so I could not find there contac info or email, for any change do you have a link?

Thanks Peter!
PeterW Posted - 10/27/2011 : 20:39:42
This is not unusual for new sellers. It is PayPal policy to release the funds to you once the positive feedback is posted on eBay OR you can give them a delivery confirmation. You must email them the info and demand for them to release the funds to your account. They will do it but it can take a few days if you don't follow up yourself.

abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 19:24:32
I did receive the payment by Paynotyourpal.
abelhobby Posted - 10/27/2011 : 19:20:55
Hello Mike,

I send the models once I receive payment for it on 10/16, and send it 10/18, the estimated date for the funds to be available is 11/06, why are they holding the funds only they know! the guy on paypal who try to help me could not do anything not even when the buyer already receive the model plus leaving positive feedback, is there rules, go figure,

Thanks Mike!
Ferrarinut Posted - 10/27/2011 : 16:58:57
Hi Abel, did you ship the model to the buyer before you received payment? Did the buyer send payment by paypal eCheck? This takes 6-10 days to clear and normally the seller should not ship until it clears. From what you have shared I cannot understand why paypal would be holding your funds. Mike

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