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Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998. Brand new, in stock!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ferrarinut Posted - 12/18/2011 : 11:02:01
Many of you may have missed Jono's recent post regarding auctions since it is at the top of the 1/43 threads. Jono and I are reviewing the in-house auction concept and would love to get some feedback. The current format is not working so we need to decide whether to pull it from the site completely or consider a new format. Here is the link. Mike
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zolomod Posted - 12/19/2011 : 09:00:57
I do not think that we need to compete with ebay. You can put the model on the internal auction for 2 weeks earlier. The starting price may be lower. You can take the annual small fee for the right to participate in this auction. Therefore, the internal auction should be an advantage over ebay. On ebay will go only items that will remain after internal auction. Posted - 12/18/2011 : 18:37:58
Ah well - nothing ventured, nothing gained. It was worth a try.

Sadly, the limitations of the 'program' I was using meant that eBay type functionality just was not possible - and, like it or not, eBay is the yardstick everyones uses to measure online auctions with...
Ferrarinut Posted - 12/18/2011 : 17:13:05
Safe to say this concept is not ready for prime time. May as well pull the plug on this one. Sorry Jono, I know you put some time and effort in this one. Ebay wins. David is defeated by Goliath this time. :-) Posted - 12/18/2011 : 15:05:11
I have had two emails in response to my original thread, but nothing further. I had kind of hoped that more people might have commented - but I guess that in itself says something :o(

The only substitute for cubic inches is more cubic inches!
~ Max Balchowsky
PeterW Posted - 12/18/2011 : 13:55:58
I think you need a better format and a way to start out at a lower price with or without a reserve. This will most likely invite more bidding.

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