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Lamborghini Sian FKP 37 2019

Lamborghini Sian FKP 37 2019. Limited edition series 300 pieces.

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 Ferrari Daytona Groupe 4 Le Mans 1973

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterW Posted - 12/21/2011 : 11:16:35
Starting a new project today. This will be built pretty much "box stock". Rare Feeling43 kit 28/100. I will walk through the entire build and then the model will be available from Mike so contact him for details.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterW Posted - 12/30/2011 : 08:56:42
Panels fit and the body is primed. Now the small parts will be located and holes drilled prior to paint and decal work.

ferrari10flrb Posted - 12/29/2011 : 01:21:11
Interesting topic!

At the moment I have kit to be built from Arena/BBR of the 365 GTB/4 also with Thomson livery, but TDF race.

The decals for the LM version are produced at the moment.
PeterW Posted - 12/22/2011 : 13:04:59
The body panels are now hinged and minor adjustments will be made prior to priming.

PeterW Posted - 12/21/2011 : 17:14:17
Only a few decals will be used from this sheet. The color will be matched and painted on for the most part.

PeterW Posted - 12/21/2011 : 17:06:36
Fitting the opening parts requires a test fit and then removal of some material to allow for paint thickness as seen in the hood photo. You can also see that the door has a problem that will require more attention.


Too tight for paint...

Just right after removing some material...

PeterW Posted - 12/21/2011 : 16:24:31

The decals, resin and photo etch parts all laid out. This looks pretty nice so far.

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