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Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998. Brand new, in stock!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:33:54
I know we all are into this 1/43 theme here, but im sure most of us started off in 1/18 Die-cast. Here are some that i think are note worthy.

First, the Lamborghini Espasa. A car way ahead of its time!

I am still experimenting with my camera,to please excuse me if the pictures are not 100%

Patick Lewis
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 20:00:45

Thanks For Looking!

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:59:12

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:57:41

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:56:01
Finally, I got a 1/87 Herpa Audi A8. I normally would not post this, but this one is special. it is: Erleben, Was Bewegt. 63. Internationale Automobil - Ausstellung.

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:52:58

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:51:23

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:49:30

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:48:00
My Next car is the 1/18 Kyosho Audi R8 5.2. I am still experimenting with my camera, so please bear with me if the pictures are not 100%. Thanks

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:46:30

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:45:02

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:43:12

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:41:21

Patick Lewis
43builder Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:40:03

Patick Lewis

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