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Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998

Toyota TS020 Toyota Motorsport 24h Le Mans 1998. Brand new, in stock!

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 Ferrari 412P Le Mans 1967 (Feeling43 kit)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Briface-M Posted - 09/09/2021 : 11:30:33
Hello everybody,
It's been a very long time since I post on the forum, but today I would like to share with you my latest construction.
It's a Feeling43 kit that was very painful to build. However I hope you like it.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FYI Posted - 10/10/2021 : 04:53:44
Absolutely stunning! Wonderful tiny art. It is a very challenging built I can tell. Thanks for sharing and showing the progress and details.
Briface-M Posted - 09/14/2021 : 09:16:26
Originally posted by Anthrax

Great job! This kit from what I understand is very difficult indeed. Your skills are impressive. I remember a well known American builder that is sadly no longer with us was so frustrated with this kit, he sold it partially complete on eBay.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it. And indeed it was a very difficult assembly, no part of this kit assembles correctly with the following one. In addition it is necessary to rework or modify each part so that they are a little realistic. In short, a nightmare. But the collector who trusted me for this assembly was very patient in getting his model finished. To relax between the hysterics with this 412, I built a 250TRI in parallel. I will put the pictures for you, but unfortunately they are also small.
Anthrax Posted - 09/13/2021 : 09:32:07
Great job! This kit from what I understand is very difficult indeed. Your skills are impressive. I remember a well known American builder that is sadly no longer with us was so frustrated with this kit, he sold it partially complete on eBay.
Briface-M Posted - 09/09/2021 : 11:37:41
Ah, sorry, I had no idea the photos would be so small. Via this link, you should be able to view them in a bigger way.

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